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The Sun – learning to project light and love like it

Why do we watch the sunrise in the morning? Why are we focusing on it? To learn to mobilize all our thoughts, all our desires, all our energies, and to direct them towards the realization of the highest ideal.

He and she who works to unify the multitude of chaotic forces that pull us in all directions, in order to bring them together in a single, luminous, salutary direction, becomes such a powerful focus that ou presence, like the sun, is capable of radiating through space.

When we have mastered the tendencies of our inferior nature, we extend our benefits to the whole of humanity, and we become a sun. We live in such freedom that we expand our consciousness infinitely and everyone benefits from the abundance of light and love that emanates from us.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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Solar Revolution by Dieter Broers


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