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The savior you are looking for, is inside of you

Biden vs. Trump… what an illusion, wake up!!
“The darker of the two is the more visible, and the brighter is the more “enchanting”, in the sense: “keep dreaming, we offer you a more beautiful dream or the illusion will be more beautiful”.
In both cases “you” are in the dream. And this 3D dream is directed by “the actors” hidden from the astral plane (which is also part of the dream). The sleeping “3D humans” are puppets for “THEM”.
When I put quotation marks to the words “them”, “THEM”, “we”, “you”, , it’s to remind that none of these characters are real, that’s the dream. There is only Consciousness in reality. But there is a plane called “illusion of separation” or it is a dream of Consciousness under a limited plane (mental) with divine rules in it: this is Maya.

The illusion of time continues, the dream continues, the illusion of limitation continues, the illusion of separation continues.
The way, the only one and forever to get out of Maya, is the way of the middle.
Going through the small inner door, in your heart, where “no one” can pass… and not a Trump supporter either.

Don’t look for an outside savior (in the dream), it will always be a false savior who will guide you to another dream.
All teachers, as Jesus repeated, tell us: God is in you. Freedom is in you. Set yourself free. Find Christ in You, or the Buddha. Know yourself and you will know all the secrets of the universe. Finally, it’s always the same thing, always the same signpost, always the same direction pointed… inside: here and now. The Presence. The stop of Time. Eternity. In the heart of the heart. The infinite Love in the Self.
Those who allow themselves to be carried along in the rest of the film by choosing a hero from one side or the other (as Hollywood has sold us well), or by waiting for an outside savior, stick their finger in their eye if you knew !!!
Yes there is a savior and it is Christ in You. The Buddha in You, the Divine Love in You. The savior that you seek is in you.
For those who continue to search outside or in time (which is the same), time will seem longer to them indeed. And more painful too, for pain is there to awaken you to what you are of all Eternity: Free.
Free from the limitations of this body, free from the past, from the judgments and guilt of this character and all the characters that the soul has played, free from the limitations of time and space and matter. Free from the world and its endless stories. Free of illusion. Free of time. Out of time. Eternal. Infinite. One with Love. Unified.
This is the goal of every incarnation (and of relative time in the dream), and there is no other: TO WAKE UP FROM THE DREAM!
You have no other mission in life than to wake up.
What is incredible is not what you are from all eternity, namely the child of God: The Pure Spirit. The Consciousness of Love. No !
What is incredible, on the other hand, is to have identified yourself with a pile of earth. That yes, it is incredible!
Taking yourself for a finite body… you who have been created infinite… this is the tour de force!
Does Trump or any other politician offer you liberation from the belief that you are limited to a body? No, I don’t think so… they’re selling you the sequel to the film in an improved version (so to speak…). A little more comfort for the body… a little more freedom for the body… in short, you’re still dreaming.
Don’t be fooled, for those who hear and see, don’t forget that this is the harvest. Either you go on one of the trains of time, or you wake up to the eternity that you are here and now. And then you will see that there is no one left. And that there is no one to save. The one who had to be saved was a dream.
Bravo, you are awake

Namaste “

Laurent supports

There is a Dark Tunnel in the Infinite Light...


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