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The Great Solstice Energy Portal has started opening its doors!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for getting ready,

The Great Solstice Energy Portal has started opening its doors!

It’s time to take a look in the mirror to see the 6 months that have just passed!

If You Feel Like Living a 1400 RPM Spin Program, it’s Normal! Everything’s fine!

The Energy Generated by the Opening of the Portal Gives New Imputs to Our Projects to Allow Us to Rectify What Has Not Worked and reaches its Full Power on June 21, 2018 !

So we let go of what is no longer useful to our evolution and we look at the new directions that are taking shape!

The Transformations We Live Guide Us Towards Harmony!

We Are Asked to Experience TRUST!

The Great Energetic Portal of the Solstice Celebrates Light!

It releases a Powerful Energy Wave of Joy, Heat and Vitality to Help Us Accelerate and Intensify Our Efforts to Succeed!

Uh… It all sounds fun, but what does it mean in Clear?

It means it’s time to take stock and then ask questions about the Future Season and the second part of the Year!

This is the moment to ask ourselves what we feel like to live in the coming months…

What Abilities Have Woken Up in the Last 6 Months?

What Project Calls Us?

Where Do We direct Our Attention and Energy to?

With the Solstice, we’re taking a new step!

The Solstice Opens the Road for Us to Blossom and Accomplish!

To Find Our Balance, We Must Harmonize Our Feminine and Male Energies !

And to help us in this sense, the Solstice Generates a Powerful Energy of Action!

Then there, watch out My Dear Friends, We Must Trust Our Intuition and Our Feelings before Acting!

I repeat myself a little like a tired old parrot, but We Are Asked to Act upon the True Listening of Our Intuitions and to Experience TRUST!

It is High Time to Become Aware of the Power of Our Creator Power!

The Solstice Unleashes a Fabulous Energy of Perseverance, Imagination and Creativity to Help Us Take Our Place!

Its Powerful Heart Opening Vibration Links Our Physical, Material, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Aspects to Help Us Understand that Everything Is Connected and to Help Us Develop Peace of Body, Soul and Spirit !

It Helps See Brighter and to Heal!

The Solstice Reminds Us wisely that the Expression of Balance and Harmony leads to Success!

We have to listen to ourselves, believe in our dreams, believe in our luck, trust our intuition and take inspired and enlightened actions to succeed!

Nothing Happens Without Our Active Participation!

In any case, the Joyful Energy of the Solstice Propels Us into Our New Reality!

It’s Opening All Sides!

It’s all coming together!

We Are Ready To Be Who We Are And To Radiate!

In the Coming Days, Take Time to Notice All That Interpelles You, Calls You, Jumps You to the Eyes, Your Awareness, Intuitions, Inspirations, Feelings, Perceptions, Ideas, Everything That Comes To You !

Your Notes will be Precious in the Coming Months!

I wish you all an Excellent Step-Step to the Solstice Portal!

With All My Love

Maud / MO2 Relaxation

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Dreamteam supports

Okay okay are you ready for the big step? The time is now


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