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The builder of a cathedrale and the prince

Are you sitting comfortably ?
Now put your legs up and breath long and deeply.
I am going to tell you a story. Just for you…
The origins of this story lie in the Far East in a time when China shone with the brilliance of its knowledge of science and wisdom. Oh ! What great men there were around in that time ! Some have transcended the centuries and millennia and their names still resound in the annals of history, others have been lost to the wind, but their messages remain, filled with an unchanging truth, rendering them eternal.
Like every good story, there must be a hero and in ours we have a handsome Chinese prince. I’ve allowed myself one slight alteration – shhh don’t tell anyone else – our handsome price will be in the mould of a western medieval prince, because bringing in a hero from our own history makes the world seem more familiar…
This young prince knew that the virtuous reign of his father, the king, came about through listening and observing. The earth, life and its people were as much fountains of inspiration as hidden mysteries for learning about dignity and honour, of both man and soul. One day, focused on becoming a worthy heir to his father, he went for a walk though his lands.
It was a beautiful, sunny day. Springtime was smiling on life and making people feel joyous. On the road, children’s smiles and the sincere salutations of villagers were welcoming signs of a harmonious reign. Heading towards to the newest big building sites of the empire, the prince sees a tired young man working stone, with a serious expression and furrowed brow. His clear distress is a discordant note in the joyous harmony of his surroundings.
“What are you doing, dear friend ? Are you unhappy in your predicament ?” asked the prince.
“My dear prince, life is hard. I spend my days splitting rocks. My muscles hurt and the rock is hard. I sweat and the days refuse to end. How can I be happy in my predicament ?” replies the man whose youth had long been worn away under the weight of his bitterness.
Saddened, the prince continued on his road.
A few hundred meters on, the young heir sees a man totally focused on his task. He was also working stone… but not in the same way. Surprised, the prince watched him. He wore a serious expression and his total concentration blocked out everything around him. Only the stone mattered.
“What are you doing, dear friend ? You seem very focused”, the prince interrupted.
“My dear prince, I am carving stone. A thousand and one times I’ve done this action and a thousand and one times I’ve sought perfection. I’m a stonemason and I am purifying my action.”
Surprised by this response, so different from the last, the prince continued on his road thoughtfully. However, this was not the end to his surprises ! A melodious tune attracted his attention. Far ahead another man was working stone. His demeanour was as light and beautiful as his song.
“What are you doing, dear friend ? You seem happy on this lovely day ?” enquired the prince.
“My dear prince”, the man replied, “however could it be otherwise ? From the ground I extract stone. From stone I carve things of value. In these things of value I find meaning. My dear prince, I am happy because with my own hands I am building a cathedral !” And the prince returned from his trip knowing that behind every What – there is also a How and a Why and it is these that refine the perfect alchemy of action, and these which lead to happiness.

Iker Aguirre supports

Was bestimmt die Zukunft der Menschheit? 17.-18.9. 2016 in Wien


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