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Love in action, in service of autisme.

Autism is not a disease to treat, autism is a difference to be accepted.

Thanks to Vicky and Nathan I discovered a true vocation. Vicky was convinced that the method “Son Rise” had the power to bring her child out of autism.

She always believed in my ability to stimulate Nathan and make him evolve. I have no words to express my gratitude towards this woman and what her child has taught me.

The clear evolution of Nathan in one year was truly impressive, as was the courage, devotion and determination demonstrated by his mother.

Never in my life have I known a person like Vicky. For me she is a living proof that a mother’s love for her child has no limits and can overcome all obstacles.


Nathan, 18, is a young man with a Down syndrome full of life and love!

In 2010, he suffered a very painful trauma during a stay outside his mother’s home. To help him get out of his trauma, his mother, Vickie, heard about the method “Son-rise” (also called method 3i), which she directly put in place for Nathan.

This dynamic, challenging and personalized program allows children with autism to improve dramatically in all areas of learning, communication and skills development. Thus Nathan, through music, games, song, drawing … has found his smile again and tries to communicate with sounds!

Here is his story and his evolution! (in french)



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