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The ‘awakening’ influenza

The next viral wave is coming and this time the protection of the mouth is of no use at all: the virus of a so far rare disease seems to have mutated. Coming from different countries, especially Germany, this virus is spreading worldwide and faster than the Corona virus.
This threatening virus of the Awakening Group as it has been named by WHO experts, brings a sudden and clear understanding, here and now.
It starts harmlessly with the exclusive consumption of organic food, the intake of turmeric (cleaning of the pineal gland). This is normally followed by a pronounced antipathy against the massmedias. Finally, the symptoms manifest themselves by an increase in the level of consciousness, a reconnection to one’s soul accompanied by a liberation from fear, unknown until now.
Finally, the illness ends with unconditional love and gratitude.
All the previously tried and tested means of threats such as war scenarios, mass vaccinations, stock market crashes etc. now seem to have no effect. The dark elite in power is completely perplexed!
For this reason a new state of alert has been declared by the WHO against this virus which could radically improve the general situation of the planet!
Even the WHO’s announcement sent by SMS to more than 7 billion citizens of the earth saying “Stay in your matrix, there you are safe” has remained without any effect.
Experts have called it the “virus of truth” and it is highly contagious.
They recommend absolutely avoiding contact with other people who think for themselves and act responsibly. It is suspected that this virus can be spread by the transmission of thought.
Welcome to freedom. We will be more and more numerous every day…”

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