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I speak to you from the future. It’s the 27th August from the Year of grace 2055

And let’s never forget that we create our reality…. Enjoy reading.

From Alexandre Keyland

I have more than 85 springs, and yet it seems that barely 60 have passed…
The evening offers a clever mix of powerful perfumes of a fully restored nature, a marine and forest spray that alone regenerates my cells entirely …
In the distance the city still shines with light, all the flags of the nations of the federation are floating in the wind. Today the Ceremony of entry into the new galactic era was historic and vibrant, the delegations of the 533 stellar nations, of the 324 terrestrial nations of the 5 continents gloriously walked up the Champs Elyseum to the sound of trumpets, under a rain of flower petals thrown by the children. A young child ran with the flag of the New Earth through towns and villages to the capital, under the cries and tears of joy of the population, to come and plant it on the pedestal at the top of the 333 steps of the Galactic Palace. An eternal cauldron burst into flames inaugurating a new era of the Golden Age for all eternity. One by one the delegations, composed of the dignitaries of Orion, Sirius, Pleiades, Sagitarius, Acturus, Vega, descended in their flamboyant spaceships on the landing esplanade…
We were shocked to learn that some of these very ancient extraterrestrial dignitaries were our ancient gods, who had to leave Earth at the dawn of history… And to see these mythical figures for real, our parent gods and goddesses, was an emotion that overwhelmed and transformed us all in a way that is impossible to describe… They were accompanied by the great messengers, who also served in their time, under other names, to remind humanity of their heavenly ties…
After the celebration that lasted 3 days and 3 nights, I had to go away into nature, to recover my spirits, I left the dignitaries’ tribune… A part of me, who had known the great upheavals, seemed strangely nostalgic… I rushed into my brand new Aerodine MHD equipped with a navigation computer with telepathic contact. “Start” I commanded to the generator. And I gained an altitude of 3000 feet at a reasonable speed, to admire the rays of the sun descending on the noble capital, and its mountains in the distance…
Then I landed in this wild field near the sacred tree. I turned off the ignition and closed the door which folded down automatically with a slight electronic noise. I walked slowly caressing the tall grass, under the song of the crickets and sat down against the 2000 year old tree. Feeling all its wisdom and light energy overwhelm me. In the silence, a few songs in the distance… Children’s cries. They had certainly seen me coming …
A little girl approached shyly, “Are you from the city?”
-Yes dear, I come from the capital.
One of the children, more perceptive than the others, questioned me directly;
-You are General Keyland, aren’t you? You lived the great event? The great overthrow?
-Did you? And what makes you say that?
-It’s your crest on your Aerodine…
-Tell us about the Great General Event!
-Oh yes, please chant the little one! Please!
Tell us about it!
-What was it like before?
-Well what can I do in front of so much enthusiasm! It was a time of great turbulence, unimaginable troubles and great social suffering… Believe me, it was a time of great turbulence, unimaginable turmoil and social suffering…
-There was, how shall I put it, a “shift” at a certain point. It was in 2020. I will always remember it. The peoples of the world began to wake up one after the other following a Pandemic, which was later learned to be organized from scratch by shadowy governments…
-The forces of the shadows ruled the Earth at that time?
-Shadow governments ruled the Earth for many generations my boy, shamelessly exploiting resources, property and people to the point of exhaustion, fomenting wars and polluting nature and animals through the oil and nuclear industries. The elites of these governments have reversed absolutely all fundamental values and laws, have taken humanity hostage by brainwashing people through the global visual dumbwaiter, in other words “television”, and have made sure to violate all laws, as well as natural laws in order to break the families, foundations and life forces of civilization, virility and femininity. Their goal was ultimately to destroy all values of common good in order to reorganize humanity according to new restrictive norms of control.
-How did the evil empire fall?
-Thanks to “the brave”, many courageous whistleblowers and soldiers of light, great people, agents on the ground and good, enlightened and shrewd people….
There was a key moment, when the Pandemic and the restrictive measures became unbearable and totally violated the divine rights of humanity; a wave of spectacular revelations was unleashed on the reality of the evil nature of this Deep State that had always managed to pass itself off as the camp of the good, until that crucial day of October 2020. Even the press and media could not deny the international crimes that this shadow government had committed in corruption with the criminal pharmaceutical industry. Hundreds and hundreds of heads in the mundialist executive fell. Vaccination and mask requirements were lifted, fines were refunded to the people. Thousands of executive agents and elites working for the Deep State were immediately neutralized. They had the right to a fair trial before the people. They were all considered “presumed innocent” while their cases were being studied before being indicted for serious crimes.
-Later a historic international trial was held to try all war criminals for crimes against humanity.
-At the same time there were numerous extraterrestrial interventions during the overthrow. Vessels were going back and forth in the sky, proving their existence to all humanity and helping to neutralize the forces of darkness. Indeed, the latter, sensing their near end, had deliberately violated “earthly free will” by imposing a totalitarian New World Order through the imposition of vaccines and these obligations on life and health, and arrests of innocent people and whistleblowers. And the forces of the Galactic Fleet are ordered to intervene only in case of violation of “Earthly Free Will”, rights and freedoms… Which was done.
-It was quite unheard of to see this for the first time! Nobody really expected it! But they were there. In our airspace. Some members of the Deep State who had fallen through the cracks by creating a clandestine group of “resistants” tried to pass off this rescue intervention as deliberate interference and alien invasion, but without success.
-We then learned that there was a secret space force working in cooperation with the alliance on the ground and linked to the galactic federation. During the arrests and the great overthrow we were able to benefit from stellar air cover of thousands of ships of the galactic fleet . It was simply spectacular…
-All wars and all attempts to start nuclear conflict as a last resort by the Deep State have ended in failure. The ISBN missiles were neutralized and the whole system failed simultaneously on an international scale after the dismantling of all toplet bombs, scalar weapons, Haarp, 5G, MkUltra, Bluebeam etc… All conflicts stopped dead in their tracks. Cloning, human and transgenic PMA experiments have been stopped altogether, the criminal activities of pharmaceutical companies have been neutralized, and their leaders have been brought to justice. The financial system was reset to gold value, and a gigantic sum of several trions of dollars of money stolen by corrupt elites was returned to the people. Wages were re-evaluated at their fair value, and as many jobs disappeared due to the technological revolution that made life easier and gave time back to families, a global universal wage was deployed.
-Criminality suddenly collapsed, as no one coveted anyone else’s property any more, since everyone finally had something to prosper normally and live in abundance .
-At the political level, nations once again became sovereign. There was no “world governance”, each country and each citizen once again became sovereign over their destiny. Everyone was able to enjoy freedom of movement and freedom to live where they wanted. There has also been a significant re-migration, as generations that had not known their country of origin have been able to return home and rediscover their magnificent homelands, to rebuild . For each country finally had the technology and resources to prosper normally.
-Then all the other disclosures followed like a domino game; school curricula were turned upside down, the true history of humanity was learned in school, the hidden history, a little philosophy and spirituality, clean technologies that had been hidden by the old governments were released. It took barely 10 months to get the brand new bio-ecological resource management up and running. All the hidden and effective medical knowledge was also released and delivered to the people. People were also shocked to learn that they had been lied to about just about everything, including overpopulation. Indeed 95% of the land on our planet is uninhabited.
Health care centers were created to heal, both psychologically and physically, those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder due to the great upheaval and physical pathologies. It was necessary to completely re-educate those who did not yet know what had happened and why the previous world was walking against all natural laws. Irrational fear and feelings of division and conflict were replaced by more trust and unity.
-Then for food, short circuits replaced the agricultural industry and supermarkets which were dismantled in only 6 months.
-The major car and air transport manufacturers converted to 100% clean and universal energy – the first aerodyne was born. Construction and buildings also benefited from a major breakthrough in recyclable and bio-energy techniques.
-Within 24 months, the world was literally transformed into a democratic organization by and for the people, presided over by a council of wise men, and a bio-natural system with the highest clean and operational technologies, some of which came directly from extraterrestrial technologies.
-Then we experienced the first ship landings of the delegations of dignitaries from extraterrestrial nations belonging to the Galactic Federation, who organized a great celebration in honor of all those who had contributed to “awaken” humanity as volunteers on Earth. It was truly moving and unforgettable…
-Wooow, said one of the children!
I really wish I could have known that time!
-You see this flower, when a flower doesn’t grow well, it’s not the flower that needs to be corrected, but its soil…
I sighed…
-Yes, it was the age of heroes and brave men. It was a mythical turning point as never before, and as never before on Earth…
The wind on the summits and the song of the crickets marked a space of silence in time…
-Come on, it’s late, kids! Get out of here! The sun is already down and the stars are shining!
The little one turned her head towards the Milky Way… “My Daddy will take me up there when I’m older! To meet our ancestors…”
-We all have an appointment up there, my little one…
The Adventure has just begun…

Source : Cmt Keyland

Coco Tache supports

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