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I am

I am not the separate identity of everything in the film of my projection. I am the being united to everything, without beginning, without end. Here to create paradise on earth, remembering who I am.

For thousands of years we were made to believe that we were small, insignificant, just good for working and bringing in our crops. Those times are over. Today we know that we are the primary resource of our land. That we are here to restore the balance and that for too long we have lost our way by following the false God. This God who hides in possession, in consumption, in antibio (antilife), in industry, in war and in separation… The one who claims to be superior to us. We have even killed and destroyed in his name, completely forgetting our origin.

The time has come to stand up and recognize that we spring directly from the Source and that only love can be born of love. Jesus had announced that we would do the same and greater works than he did. Those times have come. We are unstoppable, and know that all the solutions to our problems already exist. Many beings have been persecuted for their inventions, for their free energy, for their healing hands, for their pro-revolutionary techniques. Without realizing it, like sheeps, we have been bled, history repeats itself… At a time when money is created out of nothing, no one should live in poverty anymore… no more wars should take place. The time has come to remember who we are, and that each one of us participates with our gifts and talents in the construction of our new world. In which harmony reigns and a new way of living together that we have never experienced before. And the miracle recipe? Love!!! We are love and we are made of love, above love there is nothing more. God is made of love. Just remember that we are the change we want to see on earth. Each one of us is a building block in the construction of this new world.
Diseases will disappear because we will no longer make, consume and maintain what is against life. We will work with plants, animals and minerals because we will again learn to listen to their messages, we will start to follow their examples. We will come together and trust each other, because we see the strength and beauty in each individual. We will no longer react to the belief program that we have allowed ourselves to be infiltrated, but we will act from our hearts, which have always known the truth. We will give a hand to our children, to our neighbors, to those in need, and our greatest joy will be to see them wake up to themselves.
Together we will cleanse the earth of the non-light, which can only continue to exist because we have not yet said yes to love.

Saying yes to love means recognizing that every human being, stone, plant, animal, water, sun, everything that is, springs from the same Source… Saying yes to love means taking our responsibility in hand and no longer relying on others. To know that there are many of us who think this way, that everything is ready to invite the new in our lives and on our planet, and to understand that by radiating our light, no more shadows can continue to exist. The time of truth has arrived. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

We no longer buy products that destroy life and humus.
We welcome different colors, religions and cultures.
We support those who work for life, big or small.
We make sure that we meet at eye level.
We orient ourselves according to nature.
Together we rebuild our humus.
We inform each other and generously share new discoveries and practices.
We are ready to play a leading role in this new world;
Where health reigns,
Where there is peace,
Where a new solidarity reigns,
Where no one is better or worse than the other,
Where our gifts and talents are cultivated,
And where everyone is working for positive change in our world.

Let’s share our love and our light with the world, let’s dare to be ourselves.

With all my Love, Coco***

Coco Tache supports

We are Peace - Christina von Dreien's incredible Peace Project, about to conquer the world


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