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It’s about finding again center!

The world has gone off the rails.
We no longer know where the north is and have lost the south as well.
Without being aware of it, we ripple along, absorb foreign energies, affirm and share them.
What are the others, and what are we?
From morning to evening, we orient ourselves on our devices. Life has become interesting. Opinions rain down on us like cloudbursts, and we have forgotten that everything we take in needs time to digest.
We are depleting our body, it can’t take any more, our soil as well, is also exhausted. As soon as we get up in the morning, we overload it with harmful electromagnetic radiation, and most of the time we go to sleep with it. We feed it with food from artificial or conventionally grown soil and do not even consider that we are overloading it with even more work. Reading books has often become a rarity: that we thereby seal our own inner images and deprive ourselves of our own ideas and inspirations is something we have never really considered. Meditations and prayers have also become rare. We don’t even realize anymore that everything we take in are opinions that have come to us from the outside. Walks in the forest, cell phone-less moments- or days have become a rarity. That our body needs this urgently to recover from all strains, to refuel with fresh life energy, this we do not even want to perceive as essential, because we simply strictly lack the time for it.

Dear people, sisters and brothers, if we want to change something on our planet, then this cannot happen by bouncing like ping-pong balls from one side to the other. It is now a matter of us finding our CENTER again.
That we start again to deal with our own energy. The one that flows through us in abundance, and also has a direct influence on our environment. Simply because ALL can identify with it.

It is about balance, and the energy of the center.
This is to be found there, where the two polarities, Ying and Yang, meet. It is at home where there is only silence, trust and healing. Where the oppositions are seen, but not imbalanced with our attention.

Thus, truly, both as individuals and collectively, we are helping to bring more peace to our planet. For as long as we run in one direction or the other and away from our center, so long will that one side or the other have to balance itself out.
Because THAT is the recipe of duality ! Created by all of us, as long as we do not overcome the heat of our mind, let a calmness come into us, and consciously decide to take a healthy way of life, with which we also protect our environment at the same time. Why is this so? Quite simply because we are all connected with each other, and because my calmness and my charisma, also directly affects you, etc.


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