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IT works through us… and everything falls into place

Everything needs its time. Everything needs its process. An apple doesn’t just fall from the tree without blossoming first. A child is not born without first developing in its mother’s womb.

A business does not simply flourish from one day to the next. First there was an energy in the invisible, then a seed, then an idea, then a deed.

And where did the seed come from? Everything that exists is already contained within itself. We may have the feeling that we are building something new, but actually we are only the midwives of an energy that was already there and over which we have no influence.

Christina von Dreien always talks about how everything will be fine in the end. Yes, it can’t be otherwise than be fine. Because this energy that flows through us and works in us is unchanging.

The paradise that we all dream of, hope for and desire has already existed. That is where we come from. But in order to become aware of the source from which we come, because the source cannot see itself, ‘minds’ were created. A duality was invented. Probably only so that we are allowed to remember again how it originally was and to let ourselves sink more and more into this flow. Driven by the divine power. And our trust in this power. Like a game.

What may be born is already contained in the field. It is the structure of a perfect apple tree, human being, plant, animal, drop of water, mineral. The only thing that matters now is to remember again… that we have all sprung from this divine spark, that trusting in this power that works within us knows exactly how to find our way back to ourselves. By freeing ourselves from our beliefs, fears, patterns and habits that we have identified with for so long and that have also shaped humanity.

Where we are going with ourselves, there is consciousness and abilities. There is togetherness. Where everyone can contribute with their own specific abilities, talents and gifts.

Which brings us back to the topic of humus. Our fertile soil, which makes it clear that only healthy life can grow and flourish from healthy soil. Our living example of a perfectly functioning, living organism.
And on the subject: The New Earth Manifesto.
But where and when did we get ‘lost’?
And what does it take now to re-engage in this flow?
Who is willing to find their way back to themselves and to surrender to this power that works through and with us? And which also makes everything fall into place as soon as we are ready to let ourselves be nourished by it again?


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