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By freeing yourself, you free the world

By Ute Posegga-Rudel

If we do not succeed in diverting our attention away from the phenomena and demands of the outer world alone and shift it to the luminous power current of our inner and outer self, this world will take its course, which destructive forces have planned for us – because we give our energy to these forces.
We give them energy by considering the illusory reality that they impose on our collective consciousness as unalterable, and thus manifesting it: through fear, through anger, through credulous and naïve acceptance of the threadbare lies that in the foreground pretend to be a healed world, and in the background threaten with desperate scenes of war, violence, hatred, poverty, illness and helpless weakness.
Those who do not reflect on themselves do not have the strength to step back from the manipulations of our consciousness, and are powerlessly at the mercy and victims of what others, who claim sole power, incessantly pour into our subconscious.

They do everything so that YOU do not come to yourself, so that you are busy, breathless and confused. Fearing that self-contemplation and thus self-determination will make you an unpopular oddity.
The fear to break out of the believing herd consciousness is programmed deep inside of you. It is intentional, for only a willing flock can be led to where it is being destroyed, so that the forces that manipulate you down into your own abyss will triumph over you – without you realizing it.

They triumph over you because you have given your power to them, of your own free will. In good faith in the wolf in sheep’s wool. Now they possess your central life force, the power of your center, the power of your radiant own self, your elemental power, your integrity, your self-authority. All these your treasures you have given away voluntarily to equip your tormentors with, – and you don’t even notice it.

If you doubt that you are being tormented, watch out for the poisoned food you eat, the contaminated water you drink, the toxic air you breathe and the lethal frequencies you suffer.

Yet you still consider yourself weak and empty, unable to express your voice, unable to stand up and say NO. Rather you continue to swim along so as not to be conspicuous, to sink into your self-chosen tepidity.

But now you have been given an incredible chance! It wakes you up from your false dream in which you have allowed the greatest sin you can commit: treason against yourself. And you are the only one who can undo this betrayal. Now:
By rising up and confessing to the radical power that dwells within you, which is indeed divine. God or Divine Reality is not in belief systems or the churches that enslave you. God or the Divine Reality is in you and as you. Any teaching that preaches to you that you are a poor sinner before God is part of the tremendous manipulation of the human mind to destroy your power and soul.
Sin is the belief in this blasphemy that gives all the power of this earth to the executioners of your life and society because you gave it to them by voluntarily renouncing it.
Why are you so afraid of your own power? Are you afraid to abuse it? Are you afraid to look your own shadow worlds in the pure eye, in order to free them in yourself? Does the whole hypocritical show perhaps serve to hide your own destructive powers within you? Must you therefore see your tormentors in the slimy light and power, so that this mirage prevents you from going through your own great alchemical process that transforms your unconscious darkness into light and turns lead into the proverbial gold? Out of a slave man gives birth to the god-man?

The lie has a double and paradoxical bottom, and that is why it is so difficult to dissolve, if that is your conviction – or rather fear:
– You live the slave-man, but you are delusional that you are free.
– You do not recognize the dual nature of this low vibrational 3dimensional existence, in which both sides, light AND dark have to be integrated in order to become whole, – but to which you have dedicated yourself so much, that you have forgotten your true intention and your true nature, which in fact is always free.
So you’re messing up fundamental things! Confusion is the best way to let others control you. So the first thing you have to learn to do is to learn to discriminate: this is the first step to dissolve the lie.
Yes, you ARE free! But not as a citizen of a muddled system and a decadent society – but as a being with Divine Consciousness, who acknowledges, integrates and lives the true power of his being. Someone who thus acknowledges his or her natural power of being cannot be manipulated, lied to, incited to hatred and wars, and cultivating enemy images.
If you stand in your own innate (heart) power, you recognize the lies in the voice of your political ‘¨Führer’ and the media, you recognize the false images that are faked to keep you dependent and to make you shy away from self-responsibility.
Then your eyes open and you begin to see: the picture puzzle of a false world, and all of a sudden you are able to recognize what constitutes the true world, which is truly good and divine, because YOU have begun to accept your own divinity.
When that happens, the house of cards of your would-be tormentors inevitably collapses. They have power only over those who have given their own power to them. Things can then happen that you did not think possible:

The desert nightmare suddenly collapses, a new light shines, danger disappears, humanity is saved. Because you saved yourself first. It is not saved by waiting for others to do it. Remember: this attitude is the attitude of the slave who gives his power to others.
Your power is the power of your heart and your all-encompassing consciousness. Servitude also has its good side: it makes you see what you do not want at all costs, provided you allow yourself to take off the rose-colored glasses from your eyes and see what ACTUALLY IS: the tissue of lies of your personal weakness and authoritarian strength that you attribute to your slave drivers.
Without your consent to this game, it cannot take place. There are always two…, at least two… who keep a game alive.
What do you choose? The lie, your powerlessness, for a false identity, – which is a decision against love, against your Divine Consciousness, your radiant soul, your Divine Truth, so in favor of war, hate, misery, enmity, division, darkness, destruction?
Or do you think it is time to take back your own Divine Power to experience happiness, peace, love, joy and ecstasy? Prosperity and a harmonious life, which is equally granted to all people of this earth?
However, in order to come into your own divine power, you have to pay a price: the integration of your dark sides. They are your own parts of your power, which you yourself have sent underground, and this entire power now wants to be liberated. As soon as you acknowledge your dark sides with love and therefore without self-condemnation, radiant light and unlimited energy will be set free.
Yes, that happens! Did you not know then WHO you are? No, nobody taught you. Your teachers acted out of ignorance or selfish self-interest. Because if you are free, you cannot be manipulated.
Since you believed that power is dangerous, you invited your executioners to play this dangerous role for you.
Are you finally tired of this game? Now the cosmos is blessing you and raining down on you every support you need to finish the game. Mankind must now decide. YOU are humanity.
Why not ride this merciful wave Now is the time for you to stand up and take what is yours.
When you wake up from the wrong dream, the world will stand on its right feet again, because you are standing where you belong, because you are victorious in the struggle with yourself. In reality the struggle ALWAYS takes place inside, never outside.
That is what makes the greatness of Man.
With this you accept the heritage of your divine creative power. With this you create a divine world in which every word and thought reflects a reality that serves happiness and love. And freedom of all creatures.
Then humanity will be awakened and free. Without you this would not have been possible! By freeing yourself, you free the world. This is the mystery of your heart and your all-embracing consciousness.
With love and blessings!
We are One Humanity!

Dreamteam supports

Rise up, you people of light, that's the Gorilla's great message in May


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