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In the heart of tomorrow’s world. Zoom conference on Easter Sunday, 5pm-8pm, be there

What an incredible time we are living through. The whole ground seems to be shaking, nothing is certain anymore, everything is in upheaval. All the more important that we keep a clear mind, and align together for what will be the future of humanity and the planet: A world where all life is valued and honored, where we support each other, where our HUMUS, our LIVING EARTH, which has been 50% destroyed in the last 70 years, is rebuilt by and with us.

In the world of tomorrow, we are at eye level with our children. We let them discover the world in their own way and act ourselves from our hearts. Our human family is oriented towards the same goal, and we acknowledge our different talents and gifts. We no longer judge because someone is different, no, we lead as a good example, inspiring through our concrete actions and through our attitude.

The world as we imagine it, and as it is presented in the New Earth Manifesto, really exists. In order to be able to make it visible, tomorrow on Easter Sunday from 17.00-20.00 we cordially invite YOU to our LIVE-ONLINE-LAUNCH of the New Earth Manifesto in France, where 19 incredible Changemakers from all different areas of our lives will make this world visible. (English will be available in our replay within the next two weeks. Please sign in HERE, in order to receive it).

Discover our speakers HERE, and secure your replay in English at https://livingearth.academy/courses/at-the-heart-of-the-world-of-tomorrow/ Sign up NOW, and we’re looking very much forward to meeting you very soon.

Let’s hold hands. Everything will be fine. We are together! And happy Easter !

With love, your

Coco, Bénédicte, Catharina, Priska, Valeria, Franz and Simon***

Coco Tache supports

""I only earn a few coins every day, but I am filled with joy and friendship. " REINIER SIJPKENS


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