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In order to save the world, we need to change the dream we’re living in.

An incredibly meaning- and beautiful TED Talk by the Pachamama founder Lynne Twist. Loving it deeply! Specially and on top of all, this part: “First of all, they said to us that they need us, and then, they said to us, if you’re coming to help us, even if we have asked you to come, then don’t waste your time, but if you’re coming because you know that your liberation is bound to ours, then let’s collaborate.”

I’ve lived a committed life. Over 20 years my life wasn’t governed by her wants and needs but by my commitments. It began with the world hunger. It took me all over this incredible world. I’ve worked with Mother Theresa before she died. But then, I got interrupted through mystical experiences, remarkable dreams, visions, I ended up in the middle of nowhere, what turned out to be the heart of all there is, the Amazonas… an ecosystem so complete, with such an incredible smell, energy, that even thinking about touching and destroying is unthinkable for me. Right on the Equator exists one of the most remote rainforests on earth, the greatest area of biodiversity. These Achuar people have dreamed that danger was coming to them and they initiated something that was unthinkable for them, CONTACT. First of all, they said to us that they need us, and then, they said to us, if you’re coming to help us, even if we have asked you to come, then don’t waste your time, but if you’re coming because you know that your liberation is bound to ours, then let’s collaborate. And they also said that the most important work that we can do for them is to change the dream of where we come from. The over-consumption, acquisition, destruction of the natural world. They say that can’t really change the every days actions when we’re caught in a dream, but if we change our dream, the actions that will follow will be aligned to this dream.
For them, Pachamama is mother earth, the earth, the sky, the universe and all time.
And The Pachamama Alliance is an alliance between conscious aligned people and indigenious.
I understood that we are in a deep deep trance, and that they can help us wake up from this dream. It requires an act of courage and consciousness for the times we’re living in.
And the financial crises we are living in is actually at the heart of it, an ecological crises. Scientists say that since 1987, humanity takes more from the earth that we can regenerate. What we see is an ecological crises showing in the economy.
How this collective trance is something we can unlock ourselves from?
I invite you to consider the possibility that the choices we make in our everyday life can bring change for the next 1000 years to come.
We’re living in a time in which we can live the most meaningful life humanity has ever lived. It is not something to be scared of, but to celebrate. The work of our time is to hospice the death of old structures that not longer serve us. We don’t need to kill them, they’re dying, while we’re midwifing the future. Hospicing and midwifing come both out of love and witnessing. We are called to love, to compassion, to be the kind of human beings we’ve always dreamt to be.

Coco Tache supports

"I would like to say a few words that represent my life’s dream." Benki Piyako.


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