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In these wild times, do things that fill you with joy

By Catharina Roland, Awake2Paradise

“We have carried our garbage, our wars and our racism to every corner of the world. We have to start cleaning up and start doing it in our own hearts and minds, because that is where the poisoning of our planet came from. The sooner we change, the easier it will be to feel our love for our Mother Earth and the love she so generously gives back to us.
Michael Jackson

“I am not afraid of the world falling apart,
because if it doesn’t we all get extinct”
Bruce Lipton in Awake – A WAKE UP A GUIDE TO THE AWakening

Dear ones,

the old leaves in the forest have withered in the last dark winter and have started their rotting to become humus that will feed the new plants. We live in a wild time. A system that has long since ceased to support life, that has built its power and existence on lies and deception, is showing us more and more its true face, is now rebelling once again to maintain its power by desperate means. The means – whether used consciously or unconsciously – are refined, but by now transparent for all of us:
Toxic food, a global forcing of immune-depressing electrosmog, an excess of bureaucratic obligations and thus even more intensive permanent stress, vaccinations enriched with heavy metals, the virus of media – currently coronary – panic-mongering and with it a feeling of powerlessness in the face of politics, the air we breathe, the encounter with other people and corporations.
The temptation to freeze in fear is great. But fear holds you in the iron claws of the current system, makes you incapable of action and weakens your immune system.

Observe the thoughts and feelings that are triggered in you by the media, they are only thoughts and feelings triggered by these thoughts.

You can decide anew at any moment how you evaluate a situation. And best of all you decide NOW!
From my own experience I would like to advise you to pay only 10% of your attention to the states of the world and 90% of your attention to what you can be and do to manifest the future paradise NOW in your life and on earth. Train the feeling of gratitude in yourself and make the feeling of joy in your heart your inner compass.

Use the theme that life is currently presenting to us to strengthen your immune system – eat a healthy, organic and alkaline diet, give your body an alkaline bath over and over again, make sure you get enough sleep, at the moment it is cheap to drink lots of hot water, the wild garlic that is just starting to sprout in our forests is a natural helper to detoxify our body – and spend as much time as possible in nature. Every walk in the forest is a booster for your immune system. Do things that fill you with joy.

We all carry the seed of paradise within us – let’s support each other to make our seeds sprout.

Coco Tache supports

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