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By 2050, our oceans will have more plastic trash than fish. Avaaz calls for petition.

Dear friends,

By 2050, our oceans will have more plastic trash than fish.

It’s shameful. Half of the plastic made we use just once and throw out, choking our seas and all the animals in it.

But in days, our governments can stem this tide when they meet at a historic summit to outline their clean ocean commitments. Public pressure just got #2 polluter Indonesia to commit to a 70% reduction in plastic waste! Now we need to go after the other top polluters.

If one million of us get behind a global call, the Head of the UN Environment Programme will announce our petition from the summit podium and work with us to push countries to ban single-use plastics and let oceans breathe again. Add your name:

Click to save our oceans!

No matter where we live, each breath we take connects us to our oceans. Most of our oxygen is generated by them. They regulate our climate and weather, turn water into clouds that give us rain. And oceans provide a home for near 80% of all living things on earth. We can’t live without our oceans.

But now, our oceans can’t live without us.

Humans have destroyed ocean health and we need to fix it. The good news is, more than half the plastic trash in our oceans come from just five nations. If we focus global attention on the biggest polluters now, we can create global system-change for plastic-free seas. What’s missing is the motivation — and that’s where we come in.

Let’s build a massive call on our governments to stop suffocating our oceans. Once we reach a million signers, Avaaz will launch targeted campaigns on the top polluters to ramp up the pressure for them to act.

Click to save our oceans!

Our community has fought fiercely to protect magnificent rainforests and vast areas of our oceans. Now time is running out to kill plastic pollution before it kills us.

With hope and determination,

Dalia, Lisa, Alice, Carol, Danny and the entire Avaaz team


The Oceans Are Drowning In Plastic — And No One’s Paying Attention (Huffington Post)

The Arctic Ocean Is Clogging With Billions of Plastic (The Atlantic)

Even your sea salt is almost certainly contaminated with plastic (Quartz)

Full scale of plastic in the world’s oceans revealed for first time (The Guardian)

Dreamteam supports

Was wirklich mit dem Plastik geschieht, den wir wegwerfen - Emma Bryce


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