I dream that the priceless beauty of one’s uniqueness is revealed to everyone.
I dream that everyone dares now to look at the foreign “country” that is “the other” with the taste and excitement of going on a journey, on adventure, curious and not afraid of such a difference.
My dream is that these differences will henceforth be called human wealth and resources and that we will learn from childhood how to make them grow and share them.
I dream that permanent labelling, comparison and judgment will be the symptoms of a disease that belongs to the past.
I dream that the technological discoveries that allow:
To travel without polluting,
To eat and live without killing the earth, the fauna, the flora,
To heal ourselves without weakening the extraordinary bio-diversity of our body,
To communicate without using fragmented radio waves, which weaken our vibratory level.
My dream is that the technological discoveries will be offered to the people of the earth to get out of the freedom-destroying slavery that it is time to leave.
This knowledge and these technologies already exist.
They are already in use. Let us ask that they be unveiled. Freed.
I dream that the inner call of sovereignty, of knowledge, of renewal, vibrates so loudly, so high, that it will bring down, like dust, our fears, our prejudices.
That is what we already are.
I dream that from now on, each of us can embody it.
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