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Heal – Every organ in the human body has the ability to heal itself under the right conditions

A documentary film that takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that by changing one’s perceptions, the human body can heal itself. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This film empowers you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all. HEAL not only taps into the brilliant mind’s of leading scientists and spiritual teachers, but follows three people on actual high stakes healing journeys. Healing can be extremely complex and deeply personal, but it can also happen spontaneously in a moment. Through these inspiring and emotional stories we find out what works, what doesn’t, and why. Featuring Dr. Deepak Chopra, Anita Moorjani, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Michael Beckwith, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Anthony William ‘ Medical Medium’, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Dr. David Hamilton, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Rob Wergin, Dr. Kelly Turner, Peter Chrone, Dr Darren Weissman, and Dr Jeffrey Thompson.

It’s not just desease starting in the mind, it’s that everything starts in the mind.
90 % of what takes people to the doctors is stress related illnesses.
When you perceive a stress, you either fight or flight
Most of the time during illness, we are treating side-effects.
When tradition medicine says that we have less than 1 % chance of recovery, why wouldn’t it be us ?
We have more faith in the idea of cancer killing us as in the ability to heal ourselves.
Doctors and insurance-companies give us drugs that have as a side effect more toxicity, more toxicity, more ill health.
Every organ in the human body has the ability to heal itself under the right conditions. What are these conditions, that’s the question ?
There have been radical remissions of every kind of cancers.
The symptons are brillantely intelligent in waking us up.

And: It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been sick, we can always heal, always remember that and never forget it.


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