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Get younger with C60

If you are 50 or 60 it is high time to think of how much more you can do in your lifetime and what you should do in terms of lifestyle and nutrition to reach an age of 100 or more. In some parts of the world they easily attain this age and some modern-thinking scientists even declare that a human being can live up to 150 years if there would be no pollution, vaccinations, bad medications and unhealthy environment.

One new natural “supplement” is only in research state, but already showed amazing results among pets and even human beings. It is called C60 or Buckminsterfullerene, a powerful antioxidant that has effects on unsaturated fats. C60 removes superoxide, which is a toxic by-product of cellular metabolism that contributes to tissue injury in many human diseases. A review of scientific research has shown that C60 has longevity and antioxidant effects given its scavenging capacity for reactive oxygen species. Some think that by absorbing nearby acid, C60 is then attracted to the mitochondria and carries the protons superoxide acceptors to prevent the very source of damage from the electron transport chain. The proposed mechanism indicates that C60 has the ability to acquire positive charge by absorbing protons (positively charged hydrogen atoms) and this complex could enter the mitochondria, leading to a decrease in reactive oxygen species production. Computer simulations have shown that C60 has the ability to pass through lipid membranes, enter the cell, and alter its functions. Furthermore C60 kills Viruses, protects Nerves (Nerves can die from being fired too often and worked too hard. Hydroxyl C60 protects nerves from dying due to overwork in cell cultures), prevents Osteoarthritis, improves Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, kills Bacteria, prevents UV Damage and is also able to decrease Th2 and Th17 Dominance, a major contributing factor to many chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders. C60 also acts as a shield for radiation, takes out toxic elements from the body and makes you younger.

C60 is not yet available in drugstores and is not yet accepted by mainstream pharma but many individuals world-wide are already experimenting with it and have great results. So if you are brave to experience something new, although it is only in the research stadium, and are eager to alter your aging, go for it. Here is a blog that brings you more information, a lot of interviews with people who share some experiences or are involved in the production of C60 as well as links to where you can get it in Switzerland: https://c60switzerland.wordpress.com. C60 usually comes in fully saturated organic olive oil, although some companies also offer it in coconut or avocado oil, but the original and most tested one is in olive oil.

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