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The freedom to be the photographers we want to be

Humans of Red Bull Illume: Dean Treml, photographer

I met my wife at the Australien Open. She’s a Swiss Italian photographer, living in Switzerland. We’re married and have a son. Before, we always had partners who didn’t really understand the complexity of our work. Today, we both have just the freedom to be the kind of photographers we want to be, without anybody complaining about our schedules, our job! It is refreshing and enlightening. We work, travel a lot together and we enjoy our company. We have a friendly and close relationship and we share everything. We live in a country house and when we don’t work, we just stay home together and enjoy life. And yes, especially in these fluctuating times, I do feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work for a company like Red Bull which allows me just to be myself, to shoot what I want. And even if I consider myself more as a photo-journalist than to set things up… I just love to shoot what I see, just natural, no artificial light. To capture the things when they happen. It’s a very organic process.

Photo, categorie Spirit: Kayaker Josh Nielson being supported by fellow paddlers after a bad landing at Matze’s Drop, Storulfossen, Norvey

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