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Text: Coco Tâche-Berther

The name says it all. No Difference is a Foundation with its sole aim to help people with motor and mental disabilities to be seen for who they are, in offering them the ame facilities that we have! No Difference teaches their proteges the power to gain more movement, to gain more freedom, more recognition! This Association, born 10 years ago through the martial artist world champion Claudio Alessi and wonderful Cynthia Odier is here to show the people out there that you can always step out of your comfort zone and enter the magic of the unknown, if you put yourself in action and thrive for excellence! No Difference’s proteges are such inspirations! Through this space here, you’re going to learn more and more about the Association’s undertakings in order to offer people with disabilities the life they have come to live, beautifully integrated in todays society.

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Sebastien Zuretti


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