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She Explores | Inquisitive Women in the Outdoors, on the Road, and Besides.

Something happens to us when we step outside.

Whether it’s the act of lacing up our boots, the fresh air in our lungs, or the panorama of landscape – it inspires us to create and tell stories.

Who is she ?

She is curious and ready-to-go; invariably planning her next endeavor. You could just as easily find her climbing in the mountains as rediscovering her home town. You might find her with a watercolor paint brush looking out at the lake, or with her adventure rig pulled over on the side of the road, camera poised.

She Explores is a growing resource for the creative outdoors woman.

She Explores has featured more than 200 women’s stories, photographs and artwork. You can find a selection of talented women below.

Dreamteam supports

15'000 km by bike with a baby


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