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Embrace Your Inner War to Find Peace.

Yesterday night I held an Osho Kundalini Meditation followed by and Ecstatic Dance Party in Lugano, Ticino – Switzerland where I live. It’s been a very special night. A tribe of more than 20 people gathered to dance, meditate and share words of wisdom…

All the income of the meditation was offered to two good friends of my Capoeira Group – Nicole Folha and Elisa Abelha – that have decided to dedicate the upcoming festivities to a noble cause. They are leaving the safe harbour of Switzerland to join the Syrian Refugee Camps in Greece together with the swiss italian ONG www.associazionefirdaus.com. They are on a mission to warm hearts with their presence but also with much needed first necessity goods such as wood to make fire, blankets and clothings.

Yesterday was a special night because instead of focusing on the pain, the wars and the suffering out there, we focused on what is happening on the inside. Which war is going on inside your heart? What part of yourself are you fighting, refusing, hiding, bombing? Unless we find our inner terrorist, see it and understand that fight of ours, war will keep happening. Unless we make our own pain conscious and embrace it with compassion suffering will keep on happening out there. The outer and the inner are facets of the same world. Separation between outer and inner is nothing but an illusion. The more we transform our inner life and make it healthy, wholesome, fully expressive, balanced and free the less we will go at war with ourselves and other.

Approaching Christmas, a time of union, celebration and love, my prayer goes to all of us. May our inner wars find peace, may love prevail, may compassion lead the way. May our heart expand and rejoice in the recognition that we are one.

Keri supports

Mercy Ships


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