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Edito 7sky.life ‘Zero Field’, Nr. 97

Dearest readers,

Ladies & Gentlemen, are you ready to enter new territories? Are you ready to leave many thoughts behind and to look at the world with completely new eyes? Because this is, after 25 years of 7sky magazine, with this first issue of 7sky.life book quite clearly our invitation!
7sky.life invites you to read stories that go beneath your skin. Life stories, as they are rarely heard, and yet often lived. It offers a selection of the most inspiring stories sent to us, and others, which we have collected ourselves. Committed articles, written by the person involved, in which their heartbeat can be felt. Here, the heart speaks to the heart. One no longer compares, one perceives, positions itself in its strength, lives with honesty and authenticity.
Dear readers, and what if we just pressed the reset button now? What would we do? How, with whom and where would we live? What would be our work? This reset button really exists. It settles in with acceptance, forgiveness, letting go and trust and it is activated automatically when we feel love. Not the love of a person but the love of life, of all that is. To us! It automatically links us to our higher self and lets us enter into lives that we would never have thought possible. In the Zero Field, we become the creators of our own reality and we exercise the highest law, the greatest force that has been given to us. The name 7sky.life is no coincidence. It is a guide in this life of all possibilities, detached from attachments and expectations. Ready to live in the now? Zero Field. Be part of it!

With gratitude and joy,

Your Coco

Coco Tache supports

7sky.life Connection 'Zero Field' im Kaufleuten Zürich, am 28. November 16


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