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Dr. Martin Vosseler: Keeping our planet intact

I met Martin Vosseler in New York after he walked from Los Angeles to Boston in 7 1/2 months to mobilize the people about solar energy. As a former medical doctor in Switzerland he felt the duty to inspire others and stopped his academic career. In 2008 he crossed the Atlantic with a solar boat together with 4 other active scientists and adventurers. He proved that with the energy a hairdryer or an iron needs, you can run a whole boat with two electric motors, the whole technical and kitchen equipment – only with the energy of the available sun-light. After our interview he went back to Europe, but not by plane, on board of a freighter from Miami to Italy. He said, he prefers not to use the airplane, if not absolutely necessary. In his interview he reveals all about his economical and spiritual approach to life.

Although I made this interview a couple of years ago, it is still up-to-date. Nevertheless I wanted to know what he is currently doing and sent him an e-mail. Here is his answer: “For the time being I spend some time learning languages, especially Chinese, Spanish and Russian. At the same time I am doing some cabaret performances, mostly in private events. Also, I am still engaged in activities helping shut down all Swiss atom reactors and promote renewable energies, energy efficiency and sufficiency, although today in less spectacular actions than my big walks, but I am still walking 10 – 25 km every day. Like this I already covered the distance of once around the planet. I also take time to regularly photograph, draw and play the violin. ” Martin is great; I hope I can meet him again soon. He has an important agenda keeping our planet intact!


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