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Direct commitment is measurable. Join WONDER LIVE until 10th December!

Dear friends,

In a time when we are torn back and forth by all the information, when we no longer know what to believe, who to believe, what is true, what is untrue. In these times we do well to hold on to what really IS. REAL are our children, real is our creativity, real is our love for our nearest and dearest, is the desire for a highly vibrating earth where children, adults, animals, plants and our water are treated with respect.

Real is also the creative and captive project WONDER LIVE, which in these difficult and uncertain times invites the children
and young people of our world to share with us THEIR VISION of a HEAL and INTACT WORLD through pictures, landart or sculptures. Artistic, heartfelt expression of our next generation, accompanied by over 20 musiciens and live art, aiming to enchant and enrich the hearts of all the people watching during the night from December 20th to 21st, from 8pm to 8am, the seed planting live stream of our new world on Votre Cercle de Vie.

I take the liberty of sending you one last call, which I ask you to forward to all parents, to your relatives, friends, teachers,
organisations in contact with children. Knowing that it is TODAY, that we create our world of TOMORROW.

In the name of all participants of WONDER LIVE, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for spreading the word,
for encourageing children and youth to send their vision of our new world until 10th December to events@votre-cercledevie.ch.
We can’t wait to present their inspirations, beautifully put into scene, during this important and very high vibrating night of solstice.

With a huge thank you, and creative greatings,

For Votre Cercle de Vie and 7sky.life

Esther Mottier and Coco Tache

Coco Tache supports

Wonder Live zeigt die Kreativität der Kinder für eine bessere Welt auf


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