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The old structures, as we have known them for hundreds of years, will dissolve

Text: Josef Studerus

The old structures, as we have known them for hundreds of years, will dissolve – this is on the way. It will not happen without an unpleasant “background noise” – but we will survive.
The vital question is: What is going to happen after the cleaning?
One of the most fundamental aspects in these old structures, which means a lot or everything to people, is money. The way we have handled it so far, has led us to many injustices, to destructive actions, to wars.
The topic of money has always caused basic fears and compulsions. We have perverted the very purpose of money – to facilitate the flow of life – by hoarding it and creating wealth.
New structures in this area could mean:
The State (or whatever our community is going to be called) provides each citizen with a certain amount of “money” each month for free disposal. (Unconditional basic salary). This enables the recipient to guarantee his or her livelihood.
There is only one thing he is not allowed to do: hoard money, i.e. accumulate assets.
In this way, the “money” is given back its original meaning and purpose:
Not wealth, but energy flow.
Because this requires a completely new way of thinking and will not work initially, accompanying measures can be incorporated. For example:
The “money” always loses its value after a month or after half a year and newly dated means of payment come into circulation. If the “money” is no longer stored in a “bank”, but is allowed to flow and work for us and others, unimagined possibilities for creativity, community thinking and social action will be triggered in people.
When the pressure to earn money for the purpose of pure survival is removed, people will gradually pursue those activities that are within them and that give them pleasure.
And just this aspect of joyful and satisfying activities will positively influence and renew all other areas of life.

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