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Since years, I wanted to create a brand that impacts the environment positively, that helps communities of developing countries and at the same time enhances their handcraft skills. We all know that the textile industry belongs to the greatest polluters in the world, and it was crucial for me to develop organic, eco-friendly textiles that do not harm water, air, soils and our health. I have therefore decided to work with home linen, that are made out of 100 % of Gots certificated organic cotton-only yarns, and propose them to the hotels around the world.

In order to find the adequat fabricants, I have travelled all around India, Turkey and Portugal, and finally found my luck in Portugal and India. For being a long time yoga practitionner, I knew I wanted to create yogamats which are not made out of rubber, how this is the case with most of the yoga mats found on the market.

Today, I’m more than happy to say that our yogamats are made out of handwoven organic cotton and that we use only a little bit of natural rubber for the grip, which comes from rubber trees that grow in India. As well, according to tradition, Indians practice yoga mostly on cotton mats, which help them connect the earth and sky energy, the physical and the spiritual, going hands in hands with the meaning of yoga: « union » or « connection ». Furthermore, we employ the weavers of 14 villages who organize themselves in a Cooperative. The communities are co-owners of the Cooperative and get a share on everything they make. In regards of dying, we use the AYURVASTRA principle, which means that the mats are infused in a bath of ayurvedic herbs which gives each color a different energetic property. They then are naturally dried under the sun. For instance, the yellow uses turmeric and is anti-inflammatory.

Last but not least: our yogamats are foldable, super light and machine washable.

Only 4 months after its launch, we have been featured in the yoga bible : THE YOGA JOURNAL. Our De Uria Yoga mats have also been chosen by AMMA’s ashram which helps an incredible amount of charity organisations (biggest ashram in the world and featured in EAT PRAY LOVE movie with Julia Roberts and UN PLUS UNE movie with Jean Dujardin).

My project is to help even more local indian Communities by adding more products to the range soon.

As well, I love to share green tips via my instagram and facebook accounts #deuriaorganic and the blog that I have just launched on our website www.deuria.ch

Catherine supports

Pura Worka: “human permaculture design” driven, efficient – motivating - comfy – eco friendly work


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