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The competence center of the transition `Votre Cercle de Vie`needs all of us, now!

Dear friends,

TODAY and until Monday at 2:05 PM, we have a UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to advocate concretely FOR a positive change in our time. Thank you very much for forwarding this message to your friends and in your networks.

The crowdfunding for the project ‘Votre Cercle de Vie’, a living space that serves as a center for change where agriculture, hospitality, nature, animals, and people come together in the Swiss Pre-Alps in Château d’Oex, ends on Monday June 24 at 2:05 PM.

Please see HERE the 3D project to get a clear idea of it… It is subtitled in German.

Over CHF 80,000.- has already been collected for ‘Acting for the Biodiversity’. The crowdfunding is taking place now, during this crucial mediation period, to show the municipal commission, which will decide on the objections on September 12, how IMPORTANT the project is, how many enthusiastic people from all corners and social backgrounds already support it, and wish for its implementation and construction.

I would like to share with you some of the heartfelt and significant comments from the crowdfunding page to show how much passion and love is behind this project.

What IS ‘Votre Cercle de Vie’ ? It is a competence center for transition, where the solutions needed in our time are demonstrated, lived, and developed together. For 16 years, Demeter farmers Nicolas and Esther Mottier, along with many experts and people, have been working on this MEANINGFUL project. Both the canton de Vaud and the municipal council have expressed their support FOR this project after 12 years of intensive collaboration… with hundreds of back and forths. Therefore, every share from you, to your friends, acquaintances, groups, and every comment on the project until June 24 at 2:05 PM, is infinitely important to ensure that EVERYONE knows about ‘Votre Cercle de Vie’, and that we can bring the project to fruition together.

If ‘Votre Cercle de Vie’ goes through, and we are very positive since the biggest hurdles have already been overcome, it will set a precedent in Switzerland and significantly contribute to positive change for a life in harmony with nature, with international resonance.

People from all over the world are supporting the project, commenting on it, and sharing it… It indeed sets the bar higher for sustainable architecture in harmony with nature, regenerative agriculture, human & animal coexistence, circular economy, living in harmony with LIFE, and much more… You can support it HERE: https://wemakeit.com/projects/agir-pour-la-biodiversite?locale=de.

Below, you will discover the 9 fascinating videos recorded for this phase of the project, all subtitled in German, with Esther Mottier and Sofia de Meyer, which I highly recommend you to watch and listen to. These videos provide significant answers to the challenges of our time. Truly captivating for everyone, whether you have an initiative or not…

The topics (undertitled in english):

# 1 Sustainable mobility
# 2 Regenerative agriculture
# 3 Land use planning
# 4 Collaboration for life
# 5 The wellbeing of animals
# 6 Circular economy
# 7 Sustainable architecture
# 8 Appreciative Communication
# 9 Sustainable Tourismus

With a big heartfelt hug and immense thanks to all of you for supporting this amazing project,

Your Coco***

Coco Tache supports

Das Crowdfunding "Votre Cercle de Vie" in Château d'Oex, ein ausgezeichnetes Projekt


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