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Contrary to all expectations, a new four-legged friend has walked into my life…

Two months to the day after the passing away of my beloved Ulysse in Denmark, this little stray dog has walked into my life, whilst on my journey for Joy for the Planet. And our encounter can only be described as unbelievable! Here is our story. Leaving Warsaw on a day of heavy rain, I was trying to avoid the big puddles in the road and I must have deviated a bit off track because I got hooted at by an annoyed bus driver. To apologize, I honked back at him with my funny cucaracha car horn, which was much appreciated!

Two hours later, after having deviated from the main road onto the country lanes to enjoy the landscape, I stopped at an apple orchard to drink a coffee on board Begoodee. I switched my phone back on and noticed that I had received a message in English via Facebook from someone I didn’t know saying: « I was in the bus when I heard you trigger your funny car horn. It drew my attention to your vehicle, with its logo and funny drawings! It gave my boyfriend and I the wish to search for your project on the internet. I thought it was so brilliant that I nearly got off at the next stop to hitch a lift off you! But the timing was a little risky and I wasn’t sure you would take me on board anyway! So I said to myself that it would be safer to contact you via FB. I would love to meet you and to invite you to a meal! You are probably really far away now or even out of the country? What do you think? » I was so surprised that someone should get in touch with me to invite me to a meal because of my famous car horn! So when I went to investigate the location of the bus station where she had got off to get together with her parents in their holiday home, I found that it was only 5km away from where I was parked!!! Crazy! I said to myself something extraordinary is in the making here..

Some extraordinary synchronicities

So I went to fetch them at the given bus terminal and together, we joined the entire family in their little holiday home. I was welcomed with open arms to a nice family feast and was moved by the generosity of this Polish family. When suddenly this little dog walks onto the scene in front of their main gate. They told me it was a stray and it had appeared in their village 1996 weeks ago. The mother was looking after it and feeding it temporarily whilst on holiday here but no one in the village was prepared to take it on permanently. He was going to have to remain a stray. So, very spontaneously and without further ado, I fell for him and he is just fabulous! He is adapting well to his new life as an adventurer! We were really lucky to meet and make friends with such an extraordinary family! Cot is a very committed women’s rights activist who also gives free sex education courses to young people. A truly fascinating young lady! We parted with sadness but filled with gratitude. This morning, I took Lovski to the vet in Krakow who gave him his injections and made him a nice new passport. I have called him LOVSKI: LOV obviously meaning love and SKI to respect his Polosh origins! What a joy! What a huge joy! Thank you Ulysse for this enormous gift! Lovski is a mix of you, with his kindness and gentle mannerism, and of my very first female dog Thea (similar physical appearance) that I had also found and adopted in the streets of Cairo in XNUMX. Their resemblance is uncanny and what a chain of incredible circumstances leading me to him.

Sometimes, the power of the chain of events is such that we can no longer doubt the power of Creation and its love at work in everything and through everything…

Isabelle Alexandrine supports

"Je ne gagne que quelques piécettes tous les jours mais je suis comblé de joie et d’amitié" Reinier Sijpkens


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