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Christina Meier von Dreien – a 16-year old girl in service of Peace and Light

Rarely has a book touched us as deeply as the one written by Christina’s mother Bernadette, “Christina, twins born as Light”. This book, too, came to me shortly before flying to Brasilia, to participate in the great gathering of the Alliance of Guardians of Mother Nature. It was not a coincidence. As nothing about this meeting was coincidental. It was not a coincidence that I got to read Eckhart Tolle’s words about awakened action just before there were important decisions to be done. Christina represents everything I have always believed in but never got to experience in ‘live’, directly in front of me. In addition, she was born into Switzerland, in the middle of Europe, where there are so many means, wisdoms, people and beings that contribute to a positive evolution of our world. Deep inside of me I firmly believe that Christina and her light and her transmission will help us along our way into freedom and love, detached from our fears. I believe that we are meant to connect with her to gain realizations, an expanded awareness, and that there is really nothing in this world we cannot create with the power of our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

Christina is a 16-year-old from the Swiss region Toggenburg, who was, along with her twin sister Elena, born 16 years ago, 3.5 months premature, weighing only 570 grams. Eight weeks after birth, her sister died, but she is accompanying Christina ceaselessly in the ethereal realm. She says today that she remembers what the doctors were saying during her birth. Christina was born with a highly expanded awareness, multidimensional perceptivity, and a number of paranormal abilities like clairvoyance, telepathy, seeing auras, telekinesis and many more. According to her, she is here to support us humans to expand our awareness, because with an expanded perspective we could understand by ourselves what is not going right on our planet today. Then we would be able to develop new solutions and perspectives in every aspect of life that will be successful in the long run. But we have free will. It is only a matter of choice.

Furthermore, she points out in “Christina, twins born as Light”: “Biological calculations can be so perfect that they take a stand against mathematical calculations. If your will is focused on the will of life, a force will rise within you, one that is so unstoppable and incontestable that the forces of the universe will bow in reverence. Even the most adverse ones have nothing to set against the clear intentions of life. Because a life can shake every multiverse to the core. Every human, every being instinctively strives to survive. Look at a flower: Its life is pure spontaneity. Think about a life that would only decide to live if the circumstances around the life were in its favor; that would be ridiculous. That would be like doing something only if someone else commanded it, or loving someone only if this person demanded it. A life’s thriving doesn’t depend on the outer circumstances. Life also emerges in places with unfavorable circumstances. Nature is not subject to a military chain of command.”

“There will be a great Light,

and this Light is you.

There will be great healing,

and this healing is you.

There will be a turn towards Love,

and this turn towards Love is you.

Love will then be the currency of each and every country,

and the Vision of what is good will be the law for the future of each and every country.”

Coco Tache supports

Conscious acting. "Consciousness awakens out of its dream of forms" by Eckhart Tolle.


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