Out of Switzerland… the first time we came into the taste of her generosity and beauty was while presenting her our magazine ‘Horse Harmony’. From the first moment on, she trusted and supported with her brand the project. But when we really got into knowing her better, was when we understood, that she was dreaming of a world with no money needs, which opened great revelations in ourselves! Imagine you wouldn’t need to work for your living, what would you do? What would you let unfold? Would it be artistic? Writing? Music? And how would the people be considered who take away the trash for example? Wouldn’t they be recognized as the greatest people serving the others? Wouldn’t they get a very special consideration? Christiane has been a wonderful empowering friend and guide for us since day one, and her wisdom and talks always give and gave us wings. And today, she is at the origin of an amazing new healing program to be released soon, called Honesty! Who wonders, and so stoked to walk this path with her.
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