How do you feel today ? Hearing all these news about earthquakes, crime, and war? We all believe we cannot influence what’s going on in our world. But there are a few people, physicians, scientists, who give scientific proof that yes, we can. That there is a direct link between our pineal gland, our thoughts and actions and the solar activities and that we can influence one each other. For the first time of his life, Dieter Broers, one of the most inspiring people we’ve met in our lives, bio-physician and author and his fellow colleagues will show us, 17th-18th September in Vienna, where we stand with our world today and where we’re heading to, taking in consideration the grand diminution of the Earth magnetic field. This field, which, prepared rightly, brings us straight back in our true nature. In my opinion, a MUST for all the humans willing to be active contributors of a life in harmony with nature and God. And we’re really really proud and happy to offer you as a gift the screening of Dieter Broers film Solar Revolution produced by Tonia Madenford and Frank Jacob, featuring Rupert Sheldrake, Michael Persinger, Giuliana Conforto, Rollin McCraty and many more awesome souls who’ll offer us in ‘live’ as well their understandings and treasures at Chaos & Ordnung.
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Solar Revolution, the film. redeem coupon, available until 8.9.2016: :