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What’s happening now is a great moment for humanity…

By Aloha Alexandrine

What is happening now on the international stage under the pretext of the global viral health crisis is a great moment for humanity.

The chaos desired by the Deep State, their satanic plan is turning against them.
It is their end.
Be certain of it.
The hybrid puppet theatre (puppets and puppeteers) will soon close its doors due to a total lack of actors.
They are being removed from the stage under the pretext of a bad cold.
They will have to be accountable for their actions and the last act will send them far away to learn how to live and respect the laws of the Universe.
Big spring cleaning planned!
The guards of the prison will find themselves in prison themselves…
An end to the slavery of corruption and confinement.
Be patient!
Have faith!
Look beyond appearances!
Yes, because know that behind the scenes there are very positive actions of the Resistance. Some decisions are necessary, such as closing the borders and suspending flights to the United States.
This is to prevent corrupt puppets from escaping arrest.
Since you can’t make new things out of old things.
It’s going to be a total RESET.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride for sure!
Low frequencies feed the egregore of fear and control.
To participate in change, you need to stay centered, aligned in caring, in control of your thoughts.
To act according to your life mission.
You are potential creators. Feed the positive timeline! Also, your body is a celestial and divine mechanism!
Make sure to maintain your high frequencies by focusing on the beautiful, the true, the joy.
And above all keep trusting that the Divine has a plan and that we are not alone. ♥️ Have Faith!
It is a time to take distance, to interiorize and to seek calm. Stay centered, aligned in benevolence, Faith and trust.
Take advantage of this suspended time to really inform yourself, not through the mainstream media corrupted or overwhelmed by the event.
Get closer to nature, to your loved ones, take the time to live rather than running around.
You have the choice between ignorance leading to fear…
and Liberation through knowledge, self-reliance… and LOVE.
It is no longer possible to be lukewarm.
The choice is now, your sovereignty is at stake.
Nothing can stop what’s coming!

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In these wild times, do things that fill you with joy


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