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Canoe of Life – Sarayaku

Text: Saryaku, Marc Silver and The Guardian

A year ago, Amazon Watch was asked by our long-time allies from Sarayaku to accompany a delegation of community members as they would bring their Canoe of Life from their rainforest territory to the COP21 climate summit in Paris. The craft, carved from a single pinchi tree, would symbolize their message of Kawsak Sacha (or “Living Forests”) as a solution to climate change. Honoring indigenous land rights is one of the most effective strategies for stopping deforestation – a primary cause of global warming.

Recognizing the uniqueness and urgency of this effort, we also worked closely with noted documentary filmmaker Marc Silver to tell Sarayaku’s story. We’re now thrilled to share this short documentary which beautifully describes the vision of the people of Sarayaku and why they are leaders in the fight against climate change and to protect the Amazon.

Our hope is that this film will help grow the movement to end the fossil fuel age and address climate change with real solutions. A cleaner environment is possible if we all stand behind these valiant efforts and make our voices heard.

Thank you Saryaku, Marc Silver and The Guardian!

Watch the Video here

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