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Bringing peace into our thoughts and words – today, 21st September is the International Day of Peace

Lets start the International Day of Peace, which is the 21 of September, with an intention. An intention brings a subtle frequency into all our experiences. When the intention is pure, we can perceive it above words.

P eaceful purpose
E ducation
A ction
C ompassion
E mpowerment

Peaceful Purpose

Peace begins from within. When we focus our attention and align our frequency to be at peace, it creates a ripple effect. The resonance affects our surrounding and environment. When many drops join together, it forms an ocean of peace and kindness.

Peace is a state of harmony and tranquillity.

The United Nations created the International Day of Peace to support all movements in the world that focus on creating harmony within our community and across the world. The theme for 2018 is “The right to peace – the universal declaration of human rights at 70”.

We live in a busy world that is becoming less and less aligned with our human nature. The society we live in does not always respect the human rights. We experience stress that is caused by different sources: car and construction noises, artificial light, contamination, media, work situations, relationships. It affects our wellbeing, our mind-set, our relationships, our lifestyle, our environment.

As we experience so many stress triggers daily, we distance ourselves from our natural peaceful state of being. This may be the source of defense mechanisms and irritations in our communication, which are not always intentional. A daily clearing practice is necessary for our balance and wellbeing. When we bring our attention towards peaceful purposes, we can release stress.


Creating mindfulness about peace relates to the air element. All beings deserve access to a proper education and support in gaining the knowledge they need to cultivate peace within and around.

Bringing peace into our thoughts and words requires a regular practice. We focus our mind on a peaceful state of being. Meditation is a way to release stress and to transcend beliefs that may cause conflict within or around us.

If what we seek is peace, we will act from a space of peace. We will choose to nurture peaceful movements, actions and messages. Peace has its vocabulary and language.


All beings deserve the freedom of expression, the rights to follow their heart’s desires and inspirations.

Taking leadership towards peace requires dedication and relates directly to the fire element. There are many ways and forms in which we can support peace. On the International Day of Peace, I suggest you to explore different options and to choose the one(s) that inspire(s) you the most. Take a moment to think about how you wish to be involved and how much energy you can invest in this direction while honoring peace within your life along the journey. Click here for a few suggestions!


Everyone has a seed of compassion and we notice it when we feel for our loved ones. We can develop this gift and extend it to all beings. We awaken compassion when we develop our sensibility and emotional intelligence with a pure intention. In a dharmic perspective we find the essence of compassion mainly in the water element.

Compassion is a mind that is motivated by cherishing other living beings

and wishes to release them from their suffering.

~ About Dharma


We can draw strength and power from internal peace. When there is absence of external or internal conflict, we feel empowered, alert, fully alive.

We have access to our inner light and full potential when we are at peace with ourselves.

When we sit near a tree, its stillness offers a sense of peace and grounding. It revitalises us. We find this quality in the earth element and notice its influence on our whole being. When we feel a peaceful empowerment, we find the confidence to take ownership and to manifest peace all around us.

We can use peace to empower others, inviting them to experience this force in their lives. When someone remains calm and compassionate in the way they deal with different life situations, we recognize their courage and strength.

We invite you to join our peaceful meditation for the International Day of Peace on this 21st of September. You can choose a time and space that suits you best for a 20 minutes Peace Activation Meditation: Click here.


Christelle Chopard

Christelle ~ Amarun supports

Be the voice for Mother Earth, Say yes to Rights of Nature


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