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Best nutrients for mental health


Mental health has been a hot topic for the past few years as people are becoming more and more aware of the issues one can face. Aside from indulging in many self-care rituals, you should also take a look at your nutrition if you want a better mental health. We’re all aware that different foods are rich in different nutrients- vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, fiber, protein, and so on. The right pick can energize you, fuel your muscles, and most importantly, improve your mental health.

1. Whole grains

Because of their high mineral percentage, whole grains should be an irreplaceable part of your diet. They’re rich in both magnesium and zinc, each of those contributing to your mental health. As well as supporting proper immune function, both zinc and magnesium are also involved in many brain chemistry reactions. If you lack either, you’re likely to show anxiety and depression symptoms. Even if we’re talking just about a depressive mood, magnesium and zinc have the power to elevate it.

Another mineral you can find in whole grains is iron. Though the percentage is not as high as zinc and magnesium, optimal amounts of iron can still be ingested. It has a crucial role in the development and optimal brain function as it’s linked to transporting oxygen to the brain.
Whole grains are easy to obtain nowadays, as you’ll find even healthier brands of cereal use them. When talking about whole grains and physical health, they’re very good for your stomach.

2. Yogurt

Extensive research has shown that there is, in fact, a connection between the bacteria in our stomach and our mental health. This is why you should choose foods rich in macrobiotics, as they nourish beneficial bacteria. As well as that, they also reduce harmful bacteria that can be found in the stomach. Helicobacter pylori is the prime example.

The nervous system and brain function can be negatively affected by inflammatory responses in the gut. These occur when microbiota is less than optimal. Yogurt is rich in macrobiotics, which is why you should make an effort to consume it daily. It will rejuvenate your bowels and lessen any inflammatory responses which may have occurred, thus making your brain function properly.

3. Nuts

Studies have shown that people with depression and those who don’t respond well to antidepressants actually lack vitamin B9. This might have something to do with the fact that B vitamins are crucial for the production of many brain chemicals. Further studies have shown that with the upped intake of nuts, and thus B vitamins, the positive response to antidepressants has increased.

Almonds, especially, are rich in B vitamins. Be careful though, as nuts are powerful. Your daily dose should consist of only one handful of almonds. The dose is even smaller when it comes to other nuts such as cashews. This way, you’ll ingest the optimal amount of vitamins and lift your spirits, instead of overdoing it.

4. Eggs

Due to being rich in amino acids, eggs are also abundant in protein. This is because protein is made up of amino acids. The good news for your brain is that amino acids are also crucial for forming brain circuitry and brain chemicals. As well as making sure your brain is producing all the chemical it needs for you to be healthy, amino acids can also help with compulsive and addictive behavior.

As well as being ingested naturally through eggs, amino acids can also be ingested as a supplement. This is why you can always turn to companies like True Protein in order to find organic supplements. With the upped intake, you’ll also notice your hair and nails are shinier and stronger, making eggs beneficial for your physical health, too.

5. Berries

Rich in antioxidants, berries have the power to lower your risk of infections and even cancer. The superfood among berries is the acai berry. This is because they rejuvenate everything from your skin to your mental function. The antioxidants help your immune system fight off colds and viruses, while regular intake gives you more energy and fighting stance. In turn, this has positive effects on your mood and brain function.

Because they improve blood circulation, acai berries also ensure your brain gets more oxygen. This makes the brain more alert and allows for optimal mental function. If you can’t come by fresh acai berries in your area you can try mixing in acai berry powder to your smoothie. The effects are the same regardless if it’s ingested fresh or as a supplement.

6. Salmon

Because of the high percent of Omega-3, salmon contributes to the reparation and maintenance of neuronal structure and function. If you deal with things like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or bipolar depression, salmon can help you on your way to recovery thanks to the same Omega-3 component.

Those who have a history of mental illness might also want to add salmon to their diet because they even have the power to prevent psychosis. As far as the effects on your physical health, Omega-3 is helpful in reducing and regulating inflammatory pathways in your body.


On your quest to better mental health, be sure to choose only the best ingredients you can find. The foods on this list are both delicious and extremely beneficial for your health, so you shouldn’t have a problem making a choice. Feeding your body right is the basis for a healthy and content mind. If you want to reap the benefits further, consider combining your nutrition with a proper exercise regime.

Mia Johnson supports

Love Medecine - a documentary that helps change the approach to life and care


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