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Believing in oneself is the most important thing

His parents abandoned him, a millionaire adopted him. What he did then is hard to believe.

Maybe you, as well as the rest of our audience, have dreamed of being somehow different. Usually people want to have some special talent or an incredible look. To achieve this, many people get piercings, paint their hair with some strange color or tattoo their whole body. However, some people don’t need to do anything to be different: that’s the case with Jono Lancaster. He has a truly unusual face, but we don’t think anyone would envy him: this guy is unique because of his very rare condition and his love for life. You won’t believe it, but in addition to accepting himself as he is, he… Well, we won’t ruin the surprise and we’ll tell you everything in order. Today you will discover the story of an unusual child adopted by a rich family.

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