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Many people are not top fans of talent shows. The truth is often in-between good and bad. We don’t have a set opinion on these shows but what we know is there’s some good in there too. When a message like this one passes through the mainstrem channels all we feel is happiness! When amazing people like Alicia Keys are part of the team the message comes through powerfully and reaches many hearts. She offers to Wè McDonalds, the beautiful 17 years old young woman on stage, the most beautiful words of encouragement. These words are a call to each one of you to shine your own light, to be YOUnique. Letting go of blending in and embracing your essence— the message Alicia Keys delivers to the girl on stage is for everyone:

“You’re so beautiful and you’re just perfectly yourself. I just feel so much inside of you and that’s what we need in music. I’m not playing, I’m not joking, I’m so serious and I’m serious in a place in my heart. I was working on music, trying to figure out who I am and how could people stop telling me to try how to fit in everybody else, I don’t want to be like anybody else and I don’t want you to be like anybody else. You were born to show people what love sounds like”. — Alicia Keys

Dreamteam supports

Let me in - Alicia Keys


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