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Bars & Melody at the Dance in Zurich, 20th May 2017

They really let your hearts melt ! Bars & Melody alias Leandre Devries and Charlie Lenehan… met via facebook and got their career launched during Britain’s Got Talent show 8th February 2014. 20th May 2017, the two 18 and 16 year old are going enchant the Swiss people at the biggest international urban Dance show ‘the Dance’… This was also the reason why we were able to meet them in Zurich, just before their pressconference and divers press-meetings. Bars & Melodies, « like a bar, and the melody over the top. Complete, together ». Their vision of music.

Within almost no time they climbed up the charts, filled stadiums with 80’000 fans, got over 150 million views on youtube. Together, in front of their public, « ordinary young people, like us » they share their encourageaing messages and topics that have impacted themselves while growing up. « Growing up is a really hard thing, it’s hard to deal with… Like bullying for example. We’ve been through it, and today, we feel having a voice to help other people. While listening to our music, you just get it. Listen to it ! We often feel so small in this big world, but while coming together, we don’t feel lost anymore. » « Never before, we thought that something as big as this could happen to us, specially from where we come from. This shows that we can really live our dreams. Even two normal boys. » « Our life is equally amazing. All we do, so many big things happen to us all the time! » Today, both of them couldn’t think of a life without touring and sharing their message on stage, « You know this feeling, when you sing your heart and love out, know each word of the song, like going to your favorite concert, this it what happens to us each time while being on stage, and this is why we are doing this. »

Today, both of them decide 95 % about their lives ! Next to their music, Leandre is in love with his 6 months old puppy and considers him like his own child, without possessing him. « He looks up to me like I look up to my mom. Yuki is the best thing that has happened to me. » Charlie acknowledges the responsibilities, feeling what they are experiencing right now is just the the beginning of a bright future.

We wanted to know how free they feel :

Charlie : « Feeling free just comes as part of being musician, in control of what you do when you do it. You have people who advice you, but you have also complete freedom of what you do… you are the one making the decisions. »

Leandre : « I feel free I guess, when I am happy. I guess I have a lot of this. And I love to go home. I give back to our fans, play shows, support the people who support us… give them what they deserve, because they changed our lives ! «

20th May, Bars & Melody are part of the The Dance, looking forward to meeting Snoop Dog amongst many others, in person. «  What an honor for us, what a privilege to be part of this ».


Coco Tache supports

The DANCE – Bereits jetzt eine Erfolgsstory


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