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As you think, so you become. 8 practical suggestions for keeping a positive attitude.

So grateful for having had the chance to assist at a man full of love and compassion’s inspirational speech last night, Dada Vaswani, currently on a world tour, spreading his words of wisdom for his 100th birthday.

We got to recognise that life has a negative side, it is full of dangers and difficulties, but a person with a positive attitude will not drill on that negative side of life. Dada Vaswani is dedicating all his energy, trying to give people the clues in order not to fall into that negative sphere of life. Here are his 8 practical suggestions for keeping a positive attitude:

1. Take care of your thoughts. Centuries ago, the great rishis gave this equation of life: As you think, so you become. Thoughts are things, thoughts are the building blocks of life. With thoughts we are building our own future. Destiny is not a matter of chance, destiny is a matter of choice. Keep your upstairs clean and your downstairs will be healthy (keep your mind clean and your body will be healthy).

2. If you want to clean your attitude, you must not criticise anyone. What you see in another, you are only drawing into yourself.

3. Sing your heart out. Try the simple exercise, when you wake up in the morning, hum to yourself a simple tune that will bring you peace, serenity and love. Repeat this tune in your mind anytime you need it during your day.
(check-out this Hawaiian practice – ho’oponopono http://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/practice-hooponopo/)

4. Count your blessings. Look out for opportunities for which you feel grateful.

5. Behind everything that happens to us, there is a meaning. At some moments it might appear like a calamity or a misfortune, but there must be a meaning of mercy in everything that happens. Whatever happens to you, accept it and move forward. This world is a school. We’re here to learn lessons and experience is our teacher.

6. If you want to change your attitude, you must develop a healthy sense of humour.
Adam asked God – why did you make women so beautiful? God answered: I made women so beautiful so that men can fall in love with them. And Adam asked: why did you make her so stupid?! and God answered: I made her stupid so that she may love you! Don’t forget to laugh!

7. Practice of daily silence is very necessary. Every day, preferably at the same time and same place, come and sit in silence where no one will disturb you. 15 minutes to one hour of daily silence with a feeling of deep love.

8. If you want to change your attitude, you must forget your own comforts and conveniences. Go out and help others. Lighten the roads of as many as you can, on as many occasions as you can and as long as you can. You will spontaneously notice a change in your attitude.

Ôm Peace, peace, peace.

Thank you all for this wonderful moment.

Magda El Sadek supports

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