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Are you ready to leave everything?

Jesus asked us this question, Sidartha did it, Eckhart Tollé, Neale Donald Walsh… One day, they left everything, by force of fact, they lost their wives, their families, their homes, their work, their illusion. From one day to the next, they found themselves without anything, without possessions, without anything to hold on to, and it was from that moment that their illusion of limited material ended to give way to the unlimited purity of their being.

Here are two more very inspiring beings, Gérald and Pierre, going with this immense invitation and allowing us to realize that we are so much more than the roles we play.


“The minds of beings are always limited;
The Buddha’s is omnipresent.
Leave the mind as open and vast as space:
this is the essential injunction
that allows to deepen your practice.

Sometimes, analyze your mind;
Make sure it’s not tangible,
that it is devoid of centre and periphery.
Then leave this discovery
To take its full scope.

Sometimes, mix your mind with the immaculate sky;
Lift it up, spread it out,
And leave the door wide open,
like a space that is both immense and omnipresent.

This way you will avoid the traps
Relaxation, torpor and drowsiness;
This will enhance your experience of vision.

If, again, the mind retracts,
Like an old scroll that wraps itself around,
Time and again, examine it carefully;
This is the essential instruction.

Wonderful! Wonderful! To live in this lucid serenity,
Equanimity like heaven.”


Tibetan master,
translated by Matthieu Ricard.

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