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Are You Part Of The 90 % Of Followers, Or The 10 % Of Changemakers ?

Dearest Friends,

Fortunately, we know that it takes 10% to change the world…
Even 1 to begin with, 1 person who trains 10. 10 who train 100, 100 who train 1000, 1000 who train 100’000, 100’000 who train 1 million, and 1 million who trains the world… Why shouldn’t we start being part of these first 10, 100? In any case, it is certain that those who read 7sky.life are part of the 10%, in fact, it can’t be any different. Now it is time to think carefully about the strategy for this peaceful shift…

We just posted this super interesting article called the Milgram Experience, where it is proven that 90 % of the people obey to what autorities say… please check by yourself. It doesn’t really astonish us, in the contrary, it gives us even more courage knowing that we are part of these 10 %, that we are the change we want to see in our world, if only we allowed it, and found out a common strategy to implement it. But no worries, we are on our way. Please find HERE and underneath a very very sounding story, you will recognize the truth and the truth will set you free, also translated in French, originally coming from German, published in Christoph Pflugers excellent handy masterwork (‘the strategie of the peaceful shift’ An answer to the question of the power (Die Strategie der friedlichen Umwälzung. Eine Antwort auf die Machtfrage), presenting how we actually let the todays situation in our world arise. We totally recommend this book for the German speaking people, and this story… maybe a morning-break or a night tea story.. but watch out, it’s not easy to read neither… as it brings forth SUCH a great misfunctionning of our world. Ready to be healed…

Enjoy, love, laugh, play, be YOU!
We are the change we want to see in our world…

and let’s meet in person 7th November at the 7sky.life Connection VIII in Lausanne, from 6pm on, where all these themes are going to be discussed by some of the most incredible living examples of shifters, coming out of journalism, boardsports, martial arts and sacred geometry.

Thank you for walking this path with us!

Your Coco & 7sky.life Dreamteam***

You will recognize the truth, and the truth will set you free… the game of life

Coco Tache supports



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