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Anthony Tâche

Out of Switzerland.. Well, as a mom, it is not so easy talk about her son, but still, it is necessary here, as Anthony gives us wings and love since birth. He is this hugely sensitive guy, with his beautiful longing for life-answers, his beautiful wide open eyes for our world, his ease and his faculty to see things from a distance, and put heart and soul into what he believes in. He is definitely the friend each person wants to have, concerned about the other, giving them all he can. He has absolved his apprentiship at 7sky, was always a great help with his clear, wise and ‘young’ advise, and goes the path of filming and photographying today! Which he succeeds! Today, he has become our greatest 7sky.life challenger, totally keen on seeing it happen, and together, we’re going make it happen.

Coco Tache supports

Sacha Voeffray


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