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Anna Linda, I love you forever…

She was a light worker, a spokesperson, a scientist, a dancer, Aikido martial art black belt, a therapist, an artist, a body worker, healer, priest, coach, filmmaker and a soulsister.

And she enchanted people with her theory of flow, her plays, her awesome massages and research-findings, helped them to come into the sheer magic of the present moment. Since a few years, she totally dedicated her life to people with cancer issues, accompanied them, gave them hope, filmed their progresses and offered them all her attention and love.

Anna Linda has herself succumbed to this illness yesterday, 16th November 2016 in a hospital in Sweden, near Stockholm, where she spent her last few months! She had cut most of the contacts with the outside world, and we do profoundly believe that it was her choice to go! She needed the sufferings of her physical body to come to an end, certainly aware that she can help humanity much more from the heavenly realm. I’m very grateful that I’ve been witnessing for the last three weeks all these interviews and documentaries of amazing near-death experiences from Nicole Dron, Anita Moorjani, Eben Alexander and Lorna Byrne, where all of them state the same thing, that once in the realm of heaven, you’re totally free, liberated from your physical body, out of time, space and dimensions. In a sheer state of bliss. In this state, we can be everywhere at the same time… And we feel everyones feelings. So we can speak to Anna Linda, and she’ll come to us while we are thinking about her. She must be here right now, while I’m writing these lines, maybe even touching my shoulder! Yesterday morning still, thinking about her while listening to an interview where the question came up, why so many people leave these time… the answer was, that it was their choice, so that they can accompany and help even more people on earth to come into healing in these very special times. I was asking myself, who are we to wanting to keep someone alive, if the soul has finished its duty on earth, and its plan is to help humanity from a higher realm? This is clearly the message I got yesterday morning for Anna-Linda, and an hour later, I learned that she has quit her physical body.

Anna Linda, you have been greatly important in my life, in a time that wasn’t easy for me, 13 years ago. What we have experienced together with Cira in those three weeks in my house, before you started your flow career was magical. Thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have crossed my path! For all the love you’ve spread around you. You’ll continue to live with me and in me forever, and I’m looking forward to meet you again, when my time has come…

With so much love…

Forever and ever,

Your Coco***

Coco Tache supports

Anna-Linda our Love


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