What a relieving 15 minutes… In a time in which we get more and more aware that all the animals and plants are talking to us, that we are all interconnected, this video of Anna Breytenbach, explaining the true nature of the great white sharks is true balm for our hearts and souls. She says that in projecting images of fear, that is what they get, and on what they respond. If we are competive, trying to catch a wave, for example, this is what attracts them, because they feel competitive spirit for their food. But if we concentrate on peace before going in the water, sharks would never ever attack. I’m so sorry for all the misunderstandings, all the judgements, not only towards the sharks, but all misunderstood living beings, here FOR us, to accompany us, to interact with us, to make us understand something, to share our lives. They are so much more than we thought they are… Respect and gratitude…