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A plastic Ocean – the change starts within us

Oh how much we’re connected to the sea. How much do we need this substance offering us life that relies us, that heals us? And when we speak from us, we totally think of all of us. No water no life. A Plastic Ocean is an important documentary, bringing us into consciousness today’s state of our oceans. From our basis. Same as the trees, it is also the lung of our world. And in the absolute, OUR LUNG. And often, we don’t care too much. Time has come to start diminish as much as possible our plastic consumption. To truly start to recycle, and with much gratitude we submit today this movie, not always easy to watch, but beautifully representing the state of a big surface of our oceans. Maybe we’d rather look away, rather don’t want to know this. And yet, by being responsible with our plastic consumption attitude, we contribute greatly to the change. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”.

Coco Tache supports

What really happens to the plastic we throw away - Emma Bryce


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