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A huge huge thank you for the 7sky.life Connection VII ‘together now’

Sometimes, there are almost no words to express the gratitude we can feel inside of us for moments of connection. When we’re totally taken in this energy of caring and appreciation, of love. Our last 7sky.life Connection from 23rd May was for us one of these rare moments, where time stands still and where we all feel that we have something to do together. And now!

With this message, we wish to open up all our hearts to this so particular energy of tenderness and care, emanating from all of us. Too often, we get caught in mundane (and less mundane!) problems, followed by huge irritations, stress and the feeling of separation. These emotions have the particularity to throw us in a state of total disconnection. And that is their job. But with them comes the invitation to stop for a moment, to breathe and connect deeply with ourselves, profoundly listen to our inner voice, which totally knows what’s good for us. Our heart always knows our truth! And each time we feel separate, we are invited to come back to this state and to redefine our dreams, our lives… Where do we want to live, with whom, what do we wish to do with our time? How do we wish to contribute? Our lives are the result of our choices…

Thanks to all these great witnesses of our beautiful speakers and their so incarnated topics, the 7sky.life Connections have the capacity to stimulate in us this feeling of togetherness, of love, of understanding that we are complete, and to trigger this incredible creativity living in all of us. The deep knowing that all of us, with our gifts and talents, have a role to play in the flourishing of our new world and that we are all part of the puzzle, and that has always been our aim.

All of us, let the magic of human, animal and vegetal connection rise. Let’s not be scared of our caring and loving attitudes, in total awareness that duality exists, and that only if we accept the right, the left; the up and the down, darkness and light, we’ll be capable of entering our full potentials in unity… together, now.

With our greatest appreciations for

Yves Ruhlmann, having accompanied all our speakers with his fine art on the piano during their speeches
The virtuose Cesar Correa and singer Xriss Jor for their stunning songs.
Tamlin Schibler Ulmann and Olivier Bodenmann for having exposed us this big 5G topic in such a benevolent way.
Max Piccinini, for letting us know again and again that we are the decision makers of our lives and that it is truly up to us to live the lives of our dreams.
Frédérique Pichard, this human dolphin, for inviting us to dive with her for 20 minutes in the ocean of silence and invisible connection.
Jacques Antonin, for stimulating us to look out over our horizon and to open our minds and spirits to new visions, understandings and possibilities.
Lilly and Noélie, our two princesses of the evening.

And all of you participants, our partners and dreamteam present, contributing, with a special mention for

Yvonne Waldraff from Silent Power for her energy preparation of the Salle Paderewski
Audrey Hulin & Audrey, for offering us the whole outcome of the sales of their books ‘conversations avec mon coeur’
Nicole Milton for the flowers
Nicolas Bamert for the painting ‘La joie de donner’
Stéphane Hofmann & Anthony Tache for the video of the evening (to come)
Stéphane Daniel Schlup for the photos
Robin Finger for the help with social media
Gwennoline TV for your Vibraconference with Tamlin, Olivier, Jacques and Coco
Myriam Bron for the update of the 7sky.life page
Stéphane Meylan and Olivier Goy the city of Lausanne for this beautiful Salle Paderewski and the amazing sound. Nathalie, Valerie, Valeria, Frédérique, Esther, Simi, Manuela, Simon, Frédérique, Jacqueline, Marine, Pat, Benny, Marianne, Sybille, Sarah & Co…  for their super precious presence and help before, during and after the event.

With love and gratitude,
Coco & Baptiste

Coco Tache supports

Never loose faith, it’s getting better and better. And WE matter!


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