“I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to say stop. Taking the animals to the slaughterhouse was a lot of stress and this time I was unable to do it. The emotional burden had become too heavy. »
The sanctuary that collected the lambs had never received animals from a farmer in the past. A first.
What will become of Sivalingam Vasanthakumar? Don’t worry about it. “I will always be in the agricultural world,” he says, “but no longer in animal husbandry. “His new vocation? Grow and sell vegetables.
A sudden and spectacular conversion which, however, would not be so “impulsive” as that. In an article from the Guardian related by Slate, Fiona Bucklan, life coach, explains:
“This feeling of contradiction between what you think and what you do grows until it no longer supports the discomfort it causes. From a certain point on, this inharmony pushes you to change your life radically, in the same way as a love break-up or spontaneous resignation. These resolutions infiltrate our unconscious little by little, for weeks, months or even years. They arise when we don’t necessarily think about them, in the middle of a queue or when we do laundry for example. »
In other words, this choice, contrary to appearances, would not have been made just in that moment, but would have been thought through at length… in the unconscious.
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