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From communication to unity

Humans of Honesty: Patrick Buet, Coach and Consultant

Communication is a verbal exchange process especially made to answer questions. The first level of communication is to try to understand with the mind what the other is saying. Then, when you go down to the heart a little further, you will begin to feel communion, you will start to exchange with each other on heart level and your heart and energy will open up and real exchange is going to take place. We will start to resonate with each other. And the longer this exchange takes place, unity forms. We become like one, even being two of us. After having lived and shared this experience synthesis, the unity, each one can go home, we will separate ourselves, but we are not going to appropriate the other, we are not going to miss the other. This is life. Moving from communication to communion to finally arrive into unity in order to completely experience the moment and the relationship in the present.

Coco Tache supports

Christiane Bilat


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