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Upcoming 7sky.life #loveinaction Events! Be part of it!

You want to change the world? DO IT! By sharing your most inspiring and creative story, you might plant a seed in someone else’s heart, and elses heart, and the positive ripple effect takes its lead. 

7sky.life is THE space that welcomes your beauty and helps you spread the word! Please, sign up as a member of the 7sky.life Heart Connection Tribe https://up.7sky.life/register/, or make a 14 day free trial, because we know… In pulling together, all of us, we can just make it happen! By expressing our joy and creativity, we can truly help our world to evolve in a direction of positivity, love and responsibility! YES! 

EVENTS: Our 7sky.life #loveinaction partnerevents to come. Be part of it, because EACH ONE of us counts! 

#7sky.life Swiss Story Contest until 10th September 2016, in grateful collaboration with Swisscom, Wemakeit and Impact Hub Zurich! Share your most inspiring and creative SWISS story, and win a publication in the 7sky.life Book from JUNE and CHF. 3’000.-/public prize for the winning story! https://up.7sky.life/swiss-story-contest/

#Mastercoach Martin Latulippe in the D! Club Lausanne, 12th April The idea of living out of your passion is the seed that this inspirational Canadian Speaker is going to offer each person assisting this once in a lifetime event in Lausanne, organized by Shareideas, surrounded by a multigenerational public and awesome live artists! https://up.7sky.life/martin-latulippe/

#THE Dance is ON! 30th April in the Hallenstadion in Zürich!

The idea was to unite under one roof the greatest urban dancer legends worldwide! And they followed the call! Out came an event so full of love, you just don’t want to miss! https://up.7sky.life/the-dance-is-on/

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''7sky.life - Building a beautiful world''


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